by kanchana Godakanda
M18A1 Claymore is a directional anti-personnel mine used by the U.S. military. It was named after the large Scottish sword by its inventor, Norman A. MacLeod. The Claymore fires shrapnel, in the form of steel balls, out to about 100 meters across a 60 degree arc in front of the device. It is used primarily in ambushes and as an anti-infiltration device against enemy infantry. It is also of some use against soft-skinned vehicles.
1. It must weigh less than 3.5 pounds (1.6 kilograms)
2. It must throw enough fragments so that at a range of 55 yards (50 meters) it achieves a 100 percent strike rate on a 1.3 square foot target (man sized)
3. The fragment area must not be more than 8 feet (2.4 meters) high and no more than 60 degrees wide
Fragments must have a velocity of 4,000 feet per second (1,200 metres per second) providing 58 foot-pounds (79 joules) of kinetic energy delivered to the target
The question is being asked as to how and when the LTTE came by these Claymore mines. This is a question which is not difficult to answer. They have been brought in during the infamous CFA, which our foreign ‘friends’ are bemoaning the abrogation of. For the benefit of the present western Ambassadors and High Commissioners who were not in the country in the period 2002 –2004 let me inform them that the LTTE was permitted to, in one instance alone, bring in eleven containers which were allowed to be taken without inspection to Kilinochchi. The then defence minister and a side kick of his who was in charge of the airport and the then Secretary to the PM and the Secretary of Defence facilitated the clearance of this cargo. Karuna claimed that 21 shiploads of arms had been brought in during the CFA, others claimed that 11 arms shipments came in, whatever the number may be, the administration did not show concern. The only time they did show any anger was when an LTTE arms ship was sunk by the Navy. The Navy Commander had been told by ‘high authority’, "You are the first naval commander to sink a ship during a ceasefire"! Former Navy Commander Sandagiri would bear witness to this. The second arms ship was sunk without informing the Prime Minister, on the orders of the then President. This, dear readers, is how these abominable Claymore mines came to be obtained by the LTTE, they were gifted. It was not just the advance communication equipment that was gifted to the LTTE. The abominable CFA prepared in secret by Solheim and the Balsinghams and signed by the then PM, without reference to the Service Commanders and without the permission of the executive President was a God send for the LTTE. They have used it to prepare for the final phase of their march to Eelam; the final phase which Prabhakaran promised in his heroes day speech in 2005. So you know who is responsible for Kebbetigollawa, the other Claymore mine killings and this latest Buttala butchery, not just the LTTE but also those of the UNP’s appeasement brigade. Instead of hiding their heads in shame they are strutting the stage blaming the government, claiming that it has endangered the security of our country by pulling put of the CFA! What should we do with these people ?
Source : Island